Daniel’s Blog


Over the past 3 years Pam Plaza, Executive Director of Brookdale Senior Living, one of the most prestigious independent and assisted living facilities in Santa Fe invited me to photograph 45 of their residents and some of their long term staffers for a program that Brookdale was featuring called, “Ageless Beauty- Timeless Caring”.

On three different occasions, over the span of four years (Covid excepting) I set up a studio in their all purpose room and one by one, hair and makeup ready, these folks were photographed–some with a prop to suggest their interest (a painting, a golf club, a credit card (shopping)  a hershey bar) and others just as they were. I hope I captured their beauty and grace, and vitality, proving once again that beauty has no age limit. These residents range from their mid 80’s to over 100 years old. Brookdale had an exhibition after the first year with bio’s accompanying each framed portrait and the attendees to the show remarked how great it was to hear about the accomplishments of these people in their professional careers and lives and many of the residents loved seeing them selves acknowledged in front of the entire community and the Santa Fe public as well.

”Daniel you and your team are the best at capturing the inner beauty of our elders.  Thank you so very much for making them all feel like celebrities.  Make-up, Lights, Action.  They are truly ageless and unstoppable.” — Pam Plaza, Rn, Executive Director, Brookdale Senior Living